The ladies of Bumble aren’t like the ladies of Tinder.

50% of Tinder users have never gone on a date with a match. 

That’s because these users are young, fickle, and use the app to procrastinate or boost self-esteem. When users are over Tinder they graduate to Bumble. Bumble users are serious about using the app to find someone special – or at least someone to go out with Friday night.

Being that they’re serious about using the app to meet people, they’re much more likely to read through your profile to get a sense of who you are.

This means before swiping right they’ll look at all your photos, read your bio, and inspect your prompt responses.

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Bumble Prompt: Let’s Break Dating Stereotypes By…

Bumble prompt responses such as the one featured today, Let’s break dating stereotypes by… are often left unfilled by male Bumblers. Men are missing this valuable opportunity to showcase their personality and persuade her to swipe right and message first.

Whether they’re too lazy or don’t know what to write, men continually snub writing Bumble prompts. To give you an idea of what to write we’ve created 10 original prompt responses to inspire you.

1) Promise The World

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In reality you probably don’t want to basically elope with a stranger to Sicily for a first date. You’d do much better to adhere to MegaDating rules. 

That being said, there’s no harm in letting her know you’re an adventurous guy with a penchant for Italian food and binging White Lotus.

More than anything, this is a picture of what your relationship could look like. If she has the travel bug and wants to travel to southern Italy (who wouldn’t) this let’s break dating stereotypes by… might just entice her into swiping right.

2) Man’s Best Wingman

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Are you really going to let your dog play matchmaker? Probably not.

But you will let him wingman.

There’s a damn good chance that like half the ladies of Bumble have a dog that they treat like their child. Her dog is her everything. She no doubt wants a man that can handle her pup. Being that her dog is her everything she wants to find a man who also loves and appreciates dogs. Stressing that you’re that guy, she’s likely to swipe right on your profile and strike up a conversation about dogs. After a brief chat invite her on a stress-free first date to the dog park.

Tell her if she brings the poop bags you’ll bring the High Noon.

3) Even If You Don’t Get The Girl Your Dad Would Be Proud

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Pickup lines are lame. No one ever scores a match, sparks a great conversation, or successfully approaches a woman with a pickup line. They’re kryptonite to romance.

Acknowledging them makes it known that you’re self-aware and not a child. Offering to replace pickup lines with Dad jokes tells her who you are, show her your humor, and indicates that you’re mature.

If you need a Dad to stash in your back pocket here are a couple of my favorites:

  • To whoever stole my copy of Microsoft Office, I will find you. You have my Word!
  • What’s Forrest Gump’s Facebook password? 1forest1.
  • Why do dads take an extra pair of socks when they golfing? In case they get a hole in one!
  • Why don’t scientists trust Atoms? Because they make up everything!

4) Just Be Different

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Talking about future date plans is always a good idea when responding to Bumble dating prompts. It shows that you’re the kind of guy who uses Bumble to actually date women as opposed to stacking matches.

As for the date idea, an escape room instead of coffee is novel and bound to grab her attention.

It shows her that you’re unique, willing to change things up, and want to get out there and live life. Shoot I’d swipe right too.

5) It All Strings Man

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Who are you?

Are you the kind of guy who’d rather discuss a zombie apocalypse than football? Do you prefer to watch birds more than Netflix?

Now is the time to tell her who you are. Not because everyone is secretly into waking up a 5 a.m. to watch hummingbirds, but precisely because of the converse. If you have weird and uncommon hobbies, make them known now. Don’t waste your time attracting people that aren’t into what you’re into. At emlovz we teach men how to attract super-compatible women. To do so you need to put yourself out there. That means making known your no-so-common hobbies and interests.

6) Change Things Up

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Too many guys write next to nothing for their Bumble prompts.

They write one or two-word responses and then complain they have no matches.

That won’t be your problem, especially not when you come up with crazy first-date ideas like the one above. You see, women want to see that you’ve put effort into creating your profile. They want to see clear, HD photos, they want a detailed bio, and witty prompt responses.

Realize that she receives dozens of likes every day. To stand out and win her attention you have to invest in creating a quality profile. This means taking 10 minutes to write a few responses for each Bumble prompt, then editing, then picking the winner. It means swapping out prompt responses if you think one isn’t working or if you come up with a better idea later.

It looks like constantly refining your profile until you’re satisfied with the number of matches you’ve acquired.

7) NZL!

best Bumble prompts

Should a Bumble match message that she wants to elope with you, humor her because she’s probably a keeper. Talk LOTR, discuss hiking, and talk about the wild and whimsical lives you might lead. Then pivot and say, you know what, maybe it’s best if you two met in person before making the move. If the banter was good she’ll agree and you my friend will have yourself a first date.

Just be sure to use a TDL when asking her out.

8) Coffee Date < Anything Else

best Bumble prompts

What hobbies are you super into? Make them known in your profile and invite her to do them. Doing so will attract women with similar interests. And again, it’s okay if you have niche interests. Don’t you want to attract women with those same niche interests?

9) Get Deep

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What do you want your first few encounters to look like?

Do you want to putz around and talk about the same old things or do you want to dive into this person?

Show her that you’re not just another boring guy, but someone who is serious about connecting with another individual.

10) Get Back To Old Times

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A nostalgic first date is never a bad idea. Pitch something she used to do as a kid and you’ll soon have a summer romance akin to what you experienced as a teen.

Takeaways: Let’s Break Dating Stereotypes By…

When writing your own prompt responses, I want you to keep two strategies in mind.

One is to talk about your weird interests. What will make you stand out among a backdrop of thousands of other profiles? Remember that your goal isn’t to attract every single woman on Bumble – it’s to attract only super-compatible women. You do that by getting weird and talking about what makes you, you.

The second point is to invite her in and pitch a date idea. The women of Bumble are required to message first. You need to give her something worth messaging you about. Asking her on a date idea will pique her interest. It will draw her in and make her consider your request. Should you be receptive she will not only match with you but message first.

Next Steps

Creating a high-quality Bumble profile requires more than a solid written bio and dating prompt responses.

Bumble, like every other app, is highly superficial. This means you have to wow her with your photos in order to win that oh-so-coveted swipe right.

But not just any photos, in any lineup will do.

In our program, Dating Decoded we teach men how to create a high-performing profile. We do so via our in-depth profile reviews, online curriculum, weekly coaching sessions, and online community.

Learning the ins and out of online dating is difficult, especially if you’ve been away from the dating scene for a while. We will guide you through the changing landscape and equip you with the skills you need to match with the woman of your dreams.

You’ll learn how to create the perfect profile, chat women up online, ask them out via a TDL, and have amazing first, second, and third dates.

To learn more about our program and how we help reinvigorate the dating lives of our students, let’s talk via a 1-on-1 Zoom call.

Learn how our students’ dating lives have improved since joining our program. 

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