Mobile, Alabama is known for a lot of things.

It has the nation’s oldest and longest-running Mardi Gras festival, has close access to amazing beaches, and is one of the most affordable cities in the nation.

What Mobile isn’t known for is its dating culture.

According to WalletHub, Mobile is the 149th best city for singles in the nation out of the 182 cities included in the rankings.

Cities like Gulfport, MS, Bridgeport, CT, and Detroit all rank better than Mobile – that’s not a good thing.

But there’s something that WalletHub doesn’t take into account – the gender ratio.

Mobile has a gender ratio of 92 men for every 100 women. If you’re a man you won’t find much better odds in the US.

But a gender ratio working in your favor may not be enough to turn your dating life around.

So with that said let’s introduce you to your new Mobile Alabama dating coach.

best alabama dating coach

Mobile Alabama Dating Coach

There are around 10,000 eligible single women in the Mobile metro area that are ready and willing to get their date on.

All you need to do is somehow weed out incompatible women, find your best possible match, and court her like the suave Southerner you are until she agrees to be your girlfriend.

Easy right?

Admittedly not as easy as scoring an extra point, but things are about to get a whole lot easier.

Let me introduce you to emlovz — that’s right us.

We’re not afraid to say that we’re the best dating coaches to help you get the woman of your dreams.

Now, of course, we’d say that, but what do we have to back that claim up apart from thousands of formerly single students that are now in happy relationships?

Well for one we have a philosophy.

MegaDating Philosophy

It all starts with MegaDating.

MegaDating is the driving force and influence behind everything we teach.

So what is it?

MegaDating is a proactive approach to dating that shows and encourages men to date around. By date around we mean dating various women at the same time.

In the old days you’d maybe date one woman for a while before going on a hiatus before dating another. You’d wash your mouth before trying a different flavor.

We don’t do that.

Waiting around for magic to strike is a waste of your time. We teach men how to turbocharge their dating lives by going on dates with various women over a brief period of time.

Our student Naeem illustrates MegaDating perfectly, going on 31 dates in just three months.

By going on multiple dates a week with different women you build your confidence, improve dating skills, learn who your ideal partner is, and just have a ton of fun while finding your most compatible partner.

It may sound sleazy going out with so many women at once but if she asks why you chose this dating path, you don’t need to hide anything.

Simply tell her you’re tired of waiting around for the right woman. You want to find Miss. Right, ASAP. A shortcut to doing that is by meeting as many women as possible to find a super-compatible partner.

This strategy sounds great and all – I mean who wouldn’t want to go on a bunch of dates with new, amazing women every week?

But how are you going to meet all these women?

The Perfect Online You

At the emlovz dating program, Dating Decoded we teach students how to be the best versions of themselves on and offline.

We teach men how to have amazing conversations, how to dress, break the touch barrier, bond with women, and make that first move. We cover all the IRL moves you’ll need to get the girl.

The thing is, even if you’re super outgoing, attractive, and have the complete package it’s not necessarily easy to meet enough women IRL to MegaDate. Maybe if you’re going to parties every night and speed dating every week sure, but if you’re like most of us, you don’t have time to do all these things.

The ease of online dating is why 39% of all relationships start online.

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Online dating is the easiest way to meet women nowadays. 

Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge are like nonstop speed dating events. Any hour of any day you can log on no matter where you are, and swipe, match, and chat with women.

It doesn’t matter if you’re at work, a party, or even in a bar surrounded by women, online dating is convenient and ever-present.

Being that a third of adults have used online dating (that percentage jumps among young adults) most women in your area are already looking for their next partner online.

Meet her where she’s at by downloading a few apps, creating the ideal profile, and chatting with these women.

The thing is, just because online dating is convenient, doesn’t mean it’s easy to meet women online.

Tinder has a user ratio of 9 women to every 1 man. Bumble has 7 men for every 3 women. With odds like these, you’re going to have to put together a pretty slamming profile to stand out.

That’s where we come in.

Via our online curriculum, you’ll learn the ins and out of how to create a profile that illustrates who you are and will convince women you’re interested in to swipe right. We will then go on to optimize your profile via our in-depth profile reviews and weekly coaching sessions where we’ll dig into the nuances of your profile and online dating.

MegaMessaging + TDL

Once you’re starting to match with these women it’s time to strike up a conversation and steer it towards asking her out.

A match is no cause for celebration. A match is the dating app equivalent of making eye contact with a woman from across the room, that’s it.

Don’t be content with this. Also don’t think that chatting a woman up online is the same as a date.

Biological anthropologist and advisor to companies such as Hinge, Hellen Fisher says that online dating apps are misunderstood. They are introduction apps more than dating apps. You can’t date someone online. All you can do is know enough about them to determine whether or not you want to meet with them in person.

We at emlovz will teach you how to build attraction, convince her to go out, and ask her out in just a few lines.

When you do ultimately ask her out you’ll do so with a TDL.

TDL stands for time, date, and location.

When asking her out, you’ll need to be specific. Asking her out into the ether won’t work.

Mobile women are to be taken seriously. They won’t agree to date if you don’t have a date in mind. So use what you know of how to create a compelling TDL.

Maybe ask her to play arcade games at Lazer Zone, hit some balls at Magnolia, or roller skate at the Dreamland.

Dating Blueprint

Next, your Mobile Alabama dating coach will teach you the type of first, second, and third dates you should go on.

If you’re MegaDating you don’t have time to go on four-hour dates that will run you over $100.

In a nutshell here is what your first three dates should look like:

First Date: Under an hour with no more than $20 being spent. Chances are she’s a stranger you may dislike the second she sits down. Don’t spend copious time or money on strangers.

Second Date: 100% active and free. This will weed out women that only want to go out with you for a free meal.

Third Date: If she’s lucky enough to make it to a third date it’s time to show her how much you care about her. Make it a night to remember by going somewhere special.

There are many more nuances to the first three dates that you’ll know once you enroll in Dating Decoded and begin to learn via our weekly coaching sessions and online curriculum.

Man Cave + Online Community

Naturally, your new Mobile, Alabama dating coaches will teach you everything you need to know to become a successful bachelor in Mobile. But when you join Dating Decoded you’ll receive more than romantic support.

We realize that dating can really suck – especially if all your friends are in relationships or married. That’s why we created a supportive dating community full of men just like you. Men that understand exactly what you’re going through right now. They know how difficult online dating is, how awkward first dates can be, and how frustrating ghosting is. They also know what success looks like. We’ve created a community of supportive men that will help guide and support you through your journey as a single man in Mobile.

When you join Dating Decoded you’ll be paired with an accountability buddy who will hold you accountable and team up with you. You’ll also be welcomed to our biweekly Man Cave events hosted by co-founder Thomas Anthony where our male students come together to talk everything dating. Each student will have time to talk about their dating ups and downs in a supportive environment.

Look dating is rough, but it’s a hell of a lot easier when you have a team of coaches and new friends that understand what you’re going through and support you.

That’s emlovz.

If you want to learn more about our dating program and community, let’s talk via a 1-on-1 Zoom call. 

Cheers to having a November as productive as this student’s:

best alabama dating coach

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